Dr Altmann performs surgery for most conditions of the Ear, Nose and Throat, especially in children. In adults, Dr Altmann has become more specialised in surgery of the nose, including surgery for nasal obstruction and deformity, endoscopic (using telescopes through the nose) sinus surgery, and extended endoscopic surgery for some eye conditions such as watery eye due to blocked tear duct.
Dr Altmann receives referrals from ophthalmologists (eye surgeons) for such complex surgery.
Dr Altmann performs rhinoplasty for nasal deformity with associated nasal obstruction or sinusitis.
Please note that in order for a Rhinoplasty procedure to attract a Medicare rebate and be covered by private health insurance that there must be a history of trauma as an adult or child causing the nasal deformity. Patients should check their private health cover as some companies unfairly exclude all rhinoplasty procedures, even when required for functional reasons such as nasal obstruction.
Dr Altmann is happy to remove complex nasal and facial skin cancers under local or general anaesthesia with local flap repair or graft repair, including composite skin and cartilage repair.
Your GP can discuss such surgery with Dr Altmann before referral.
Condition Treated | Common Names And Symptoms | Operation | |
Deviated Nasal Septum | COMMON NAMES
| OPERATION Septoplasty | |
Enlarged Nasal Turbinates | COMMON NAMES
| OPERATION Turbinate Reduction | |
Sinusitis | COMMON NAMES
| OPERATION Endoscopic Sinus Surgery | |
Nasal Polyps | COMMON NAMES
| OPERATION Endoscopic removal of nasal polyps | |
Fractured Nose | COMMON NAMES Fractured Nose | OPERATION Elevation of Nasal Bones | |
Nasal Deformity | COMMON NAMES Deviated Nose | OPERATION Rhinoplasty | |
Dacryocystitis, Epiphora | COMMON NAMES
| OPERATION Endoscopic (Internal) Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) | |
Skin Cancers of Nose & Face | COMMON NAMES
| OPERATION Surgical excision of nose skin cancers with complex repairs including flaps and skin grafts |